
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

pineapple sorbert and black sesame ice-cream

the pineapple sorbert is requested by matthew and the black sesame ice-cream is for my sister as she loves this favour very much.

pineapple sorbert
pineapple 1 pack from supermarket
100% pineapple juice
sugar 130g

1) blend the pineapple
2) mix #1 and pineapple juice (we need 700ml in total)
3) mix all ingredients together
4) chill ... and mix and chill .... until it's done
black sesame ice-cream
cream 200ml
milk 200ml
egg yolk 3
sugar 60g
black sesame paste 100g

1) heat up 30g sugar with milk
2) mix well another 30g sugar with egg yolk,
3) pour #1 into #2
4) reheat #3 again with low heat until thicken but never boil
5) put cream and sesame paste together
6) add #4 into #5
7) mix well and chill ... and mix and chill and mix and chill until it's creamy!
p.s. i will mix grapefruit with pineapple next time and will add 20g less black sesame.

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